The Vineyard
This is our jewel: very rare Semillon vines that survived the 1956 frost, the recent re- discovery of the Sauvignon Gris from the Loire, soils for a powerful Cadillac, young plants of petit Verdot and Malbec.
With 67 plots for 63 hectares, spread over 5 islets, we have a lot of choices and we build multiple scenarios. We like to combine soils, grape varieties and vineyard management. Silty, pebbly or clayey gravels are typical of the Entre-deux-Mers and give a more powerful Cadillac.

Our pleasure is to explore. Vinify by infusing, stir the lees, ferment in barrels, and why not make a red wine like a white, play with shades of grey, mix the agings …
From planting to bottling, we make bold choices, which over time turn out to be wise decisions. It started as soon as I arrived, tightening the rows of vines to 5000 vines / ha. A few vintages later, the complexity and concentration of the aromas have largely confirmed our initiatives.
Cela a commencé par des choix personnels. Dès 2005, nous travaillons nos sols et n’utilisons plus de désherbants chimiques. Nous maximisons les temps d’observation pour limiter nos interventions sur les nuisibles et ravageurs. Après un premier pas dans la certification de notre démarche environnementale en HVE, nous avons entamé notre conversion biologique en 2020. Elle requiert plus de disponibilité, plus de matériel, plus d’adaptabilité, plus de soucis mais au final elle procure plus de satisfaction.
L’environnement n’est qu’un axe d’une démarche durable, complétée d’améliorations sociales et économiques. Chez nous, cela se traduit par des baisses de consommation d’énergie, la préservation des ressources en eau, l’entretien d’un patrimoine végétal singulier, le tri et recyclage de nos déchets, la protection de la santé de nos salariés, de nos riverains et de vous, consommateurs.

Cadillac | Entre-deux-Mers

Between the Garonne and Dordogne rivers, the Entre-deux-Mers region stands East of the largest department of France, the Gironde.
‘Entre-deux-Mers’ comes from the Latin “Inter duo maria” which means between two tides. Indeed, this name is related to the influence of the tides that go up the course of the Dordogne and Garonne rivers via the Gironde estuary. The Mascaret, tidal bore, is a wave formed by the shock between the rising tide and the flow of the rivers. The Entre-deux-Mers is a verdant land that ripples from ridges to hills, from hills to valleys. It is usually called the ‘Bordeaux Tuscany’.
It includes many Bordeaux appellations, both white and red ; however, its eponymous Entre-deux-Mers white wine stands out. Its rich and elegant bouquet gives way to a dry, fresh, lively and fruity wine.
A rare appellation, covering only 1100 ha on a strip of land winding along the river. Between woods and hilly meadows, on soils with a majority of gravel, at the top of the hills, Cadillac overlooks Bordeaux. the specifications are demanding: low yields, vinification in small volumes, long maturation. Cadillac is the name of an adventurer and visionary knight, who crossed the ocean in 1700 with a few barrels of his favourite wine. Today it is the name of the famous luxury car company, like the PDO’s: precision brings them together.

“If you have built castles in the clouds, your work need not be lost;
that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.”
Henry David Thoreau, precursor of forestry and ecology from 1840.
To read again carefully, two centuries later!

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© 2021 – Copyright château de Fontenille | MENTIONS LÉGALES